вторник, 11 октября 2011 г.
Hi! I know,that I haven't written for a long time (about 3-4 month) but it was summer time and I have been very busy sometimes....and of course I was like lazy panda too..(ouu I love pandas) Here I'll put the most attractive pictures from my summer,I know...there are a lot of them,but what can I do? :P
Ouu..and one important moment : I'll write here both English and Russian, so if you want, you may translate my Russian in Google translate, cause it'll be some differences between these two languages :D
Ok.. let's start!

These picts. were taken in June ;)

Then pictures from the camp. 
Eating ice-cream (choco and cherry)The food of gymnasts :) 

Playing cards,while waiting to the competition. 

Our coaches.(in the left and right) 


The begining of our dance. 

Then I appeared on the series in serial,which name is After School.But I'll explain you about it a bit later.Now I'll put only one picture from there.(Actually I had these photos very much )

 And it is only one part of our big family!!!

 And also one photo with my dear sister Jane.
It's not all the photos I have.But most of them are for the private watching :D 

It's all for the moment. I'll keep blogging.See you.And be ready for new text in Russian. ;)

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About Me

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Hey! I'm Anna-Maria, but everyone calles me Ann.I live in Estonia and I go in for rhythmic gymnastics for 12 years.I like to communicate with people from different countries, blogging, photography, walking with friends and laughing.
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